15 Feb 2009

My Latest Valentine Affair.

Valentine's suxxx. I'm just staying in front of desktop all day long.
Ok rrrrrrrr, what do you think of first sight love?
Feels that I had a new one last days..
Ok so that was a bullshit. -hehehe
But do u know? I'm kinda rare to do a face-sketching to a stranger, except this girl.
Met her in front of library, got her photo accidentally there too.
Her name is Alexandra, and the bad news? She's taken.
Hahahahahahaaa... X((

12 Feb 2009

Japan is always cool.

maybe too much reading that warp magazine..
but Japanese, or half-Japanese men, is always cool.

3 Feb 2009

This Is The Time When You Lost Your Pupils

This is my work for Ruang Raung ; an independent media which content articles, comics, and illustration. This media is for free and you can xerox it yourself. Go download the pdf-ver. and keep supporting your local zine.

Here's the tee: